More than just a wrapping

Some packaging is more sustainable than others. But for a consumer, it is very difficult to assess its sustainability status correctly. Especially because it is a particularly complex story that not only depends on the material used, but also, for example, where the material is sourced and what is done with it after use. Together […]
Flavour for our furry friends

The BIOPET project* is looking for a more sustainable future for cats and dogs, by working on alternatives to meat in their diet. Since plants do not contain the right nutrients for these animals, the project works with yeasts that can produce certain components – in this case fats – in an efficient and sustainable […]
Logistics traffic in Ghent

“In a city like Ghent, where shops, restaurants, companies, offices and citizens are supplied every day, urban freight transport is an essential part of the vibrant city life. However, this freight traffic adds some serious challenges: traffic jams, noise pollution, emissions, occupation of public space and sometimes unsafe situations. In order to understand how residents […]
A base for brewers’ spent grain

Revaluing brewer’s spent grain in the food chain. While technically perfectly feasible, setting up a realistic value chain in which everyone can benefit is easier said than done. But bringing all potential players in the value chain together in a co-creation session appears to be a good start. This was evident from the session that […]
Creative with collagen

Citizen science: Easier said than done

How can you best involve sourdough hobbyists – aka ‘sourdough lovers’ – in a citizen science project? That was the central question in the co-creation session that was organized in the context of the HealthFerm project, a European project led in Flanders by KU Leuven and VUB that focuses on unraveling plant-based fermentation processes. The […]
How to co-create

Co-creation is something everyone can learn. It just requires a bit of a ‘mind-switch’. Employees from Eurofins experienced it first-hand on our demo session, and enabled them to approach their work with a switched mind!
Not a berry to lose

Wilderhof grows different types of berries, such as raspberries and blueberries. But not every berry is perfect, sometimes they are a bit too hard or too soft, too small or too large, or slightly damaged. Still perfectly edible, but no longer suitable for direct sale. Looking for new ways to upgrade the imperfect fruit, we […]
Meet the new “meat”

The range of vegetarian products in the supermarket is increasing. And it will get even bigger. Because in addition to the usually plant-based burgers, there are other options for replacing meat: by putting microscopic creatures to work. But bacteria, yeasts and molds do have a somewhat dubious reputation when they are named in the same […]
Even better burgers

We inspired De Paddestoel to get started with their top sellers, the vegetable burger, spinach burger and broccoli burger. Result: More vegetables, a Nutriscore B and a more sustainable product. And as icing on the cake, a Superior Taste Award!