How can you know whether a product or idea will appeal to consumers?
How about we just ask them …?
Do you, as citizen, want to help determine what’s on our store shelves?
What we do
Everyone wants to keep up with the latest trends, and respond to what’s cooking in the world. That’s what innovation is all about. But it’s a lot easier said than done. Plus, being forward-thinking holds some risks. Fortunately, they can be overcome. And we are here to help you deal with them!
Engaging consumers
Co-creation as a tool
What types of organisations do we support?
Companies in the agri-food sector and related sectors, and other fast moving consumer goods
Research institutes and network organisations, to support scientific research using consumers and/or enable communication of research results to a wider audience
Hospitals, care institutes, schools and other organisations working on their food and nutrition policies
Any organisation that wants to use co-creation to improve their collaboration and actively listen to their customers and/or partners
Who is Alice?
“Let us guide you through the rabbit hole”
Two creative minds with a degree in bio-engineering, expertise in the food industry, the bio-based industries and the innovation landscape.
We realise that currently, as global society, we face a host of major challenges. Whether it’s dealing with climate change or providing more healthy food for all. There is no simple solution or silver bullet, and tackling them alone is not a feasible path. Part of the solution lies in innovation and cooperation, which happens to be just our thing!
Take a look at our success stories: Discover how we helped organisations with their research and innovations.
Deze sessies komen er alvast aan!
4/2/2025 Gent
Landbouw en veeteelt: hoe kan het beter?
Intensieve landbouw en veeteelt hebben ervoor gezorgd dat er voldoende voedsel kan geproduceerd worden op een zo klein mogelijke oppervlakte. Maar het brengt nieuwe problemen met zich mee: overbemesting en gebruik van pesticiden die het grondwater vervuilen, overgebruik van antibiotica om ziektes in de veestapel onder controle te houden, uitputting van de bodems, verlies aan biodiversiteit enzovoort.
Er zijn alternatieve manieren om ziektes bij plant en dier onder controle te houden, en om de opbrengst van gewassen te verzekeren, maar misschien brengen die nieuwe gevaren met zich mee?
4 februari 2025
Locatie nog te bepalen