
Understanding and engaging consumers

For whom do you make your products? Develop your services? Whom does your research serve? In a word, who are you doing it for? Probably in part for yourself, because you like doing it, but above all for the consumer, the citizens, and society.

To know whether you are on the right track, it is always a good idea to, now and then, ask the people on the receiving end how they see things. Or even better: to involve them in the development of future products, services or research.

You can involve consumers or citizens in research and development in dozens of ways, and there is no golden formula that covers every aspect. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and usually combining several of them gives the best results. It all depends on the development stage you are in, the situation, and the questions you have. Do you want to know what kind of people you appeal to? How big that group is? Does the market really need this type of product at all, or should I perhaps take a completely different track? And if so, how? Do people lose sleep over this challenge or are there already enough alternatives that respond to it?

Together with you, we draw out a trajectory that best suits your case and budget. You can collect data with quantitative surveys, or find out opinions and perceptions with qualitative research. You can approach people individually through interviews, or let them brainstorm together in a co-creation session. You can let people test things, taste and smell products, or put them to work to get to know their environment better. You can involve people online and in real life. Our solid technical and scientific background allows us to think along with you to explore the challenges and opportunities in depth, and to develop an approach to find an answer to your questions.

We then implement your trajectory in a professional manner, with or without our partners. After all, asking questions is easy, but asking the right questions, in the right context, to the right people, and formulated in the right way, that’s another matter!

So we make sure to get the right people to the table. For that, we can count on our own pool of volunteers – our ‘inventors’ – with different backgrounds and profiles, who can express their thoughts unbiased. On top of that, our partners also have a small army of volunteers who are only too happy to give their opinion.

Secondly, we set up surveys, interviews and co-creation sessions in such a way that they provide real and honest feedback, without steering or falling into the trap of wishful thinking.

What topics do we work on?

Because of our background, we are particularly well versed in certain markets and topics, and we also focus on them in terms of understanding and engaging consumers. We’re talking about:


Our research has already generated a lot of interesting information. In business cases, the results are usually confidential, but in a research context we are often free to spread the word.

Want to know more?


Take a look at our success stories: Discover how we helped organisations with their research and innovations.

Also check out our other services

Co-creation as a tool

Co-creation means 'creating together'. Be it with consumers, with experts in a certain field, other players in the chain or organisations your company works with.By involving others in your creative process, you get a more objective view on your ideas, and learn to look at them from a different angle. This gives you a broader and more complete vision of the possibilities, needs and requirements of the market, and how to best respond to them.
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Just because the message is clear to yourself, doesn't mean it is for the rest of the world. You are an expert in your own field, and that makes it hard to assess how much - or how little - others know, and how a certain message comes across. Luckily, we have plenty of expertise in translating complex information into a message that everyone can understand.
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After wandering over 20 years around R&D and marketing departments and the innovation landscape, we have gained a lot of expertise on markets and trends, feasibility of ideas and design thinking. We'd like to share this expertise with you. Take a look at what we can do for you.
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